Whether you want to have a child or not, we have many opportunities to help you at our clinic.
It is an examination using ultrasound if you apply within the first 3 days of your period. The number of egg precursors, called antral follicles, gives an important idea about your fertility. It’s just a simple review.
Sperm count: In the sperm count performed after two days of sexual abstinence, the number, amount, motility, structural and shape disorders of the sperm are evaluated. If there is a problem in sperm, it is tried to be corrected with smoking cessation, some food supplements, vitamins or healthy lifestyle suggestions. If it is not successful, assisted reproduction techniques are used.
It is a medicated uterine roentgen, an examination performed to understand whether the fallopian tubes are open or not. It is applied under hospital conditions and
under anesthesia (with sedation – light sedatives). After the mother-to-be is slightly anesthetized, a special radiopaque substance is injected into the uterus through the vagina. Just then, an x-ray is taken. It is understood whether the tubes are open or not, whether there is adhesion in the inner layer of the uterus, polyps, fibroids or any other pathology that prevents pregnancy.
Sometimes the inability to get pregnant can also be caused by simple hormonal disorders. The hormone values measured in the blood sample with fasting in the morning on the second or third day of menstruation give us a lot of information about the possibility of having a child. The disorder in hormones such as thyroid hormone and milk hormone can be eliminated with a simple drug treatment and the whole problem is solved. Sometimes, a disorder in female hormones is detected. In this case, the results guide us to apply the necessary treatments.
After completing all these examinations, reproductive methods can be started.
There are some drugs to reduce insulin resistance in women with ovulation problems such as polycystic ovarian patients. Sometimes we support spontaneous ovulation with weight loss, sports or some vitamins. In some women, ovarian reserve is low, and we provide support with lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, antioxidant applications and treatments.
Sometimes pregnancy cannot occur because our expectant mother cannot ovulate on her own. In this case, we apply a treatment that triggers ovulation with simple pills or injections. Then, when we obtain mature eggs in egg tracking with ultrasound every other day, we can switch to a post-injection, sexual intercourse or vaccination application that facilitates cracking. When ovulation cannot be achieved with pills or low-dose injections, we always have the option of using high-dose drugs or injections.
There are many surgical methods we use when investigating or treating reproductive problems. Some of these are operations such as opening the tubes (if they have had tube ligation before or have adhesions), endometriosis surgery, fibroid removal or ovarian drilling in those with polycystic ovaries.
When pregnancy is still not achieved after doing all these, it is time to move on to assisted reproductive techniques. These are intra uterine insemination – IUI and in vitro fertilization – IVF.
Since there is no IVF center in Bodrum, it will not be mentioned in this article. You can call our clinic for detailed information.
Insemination involves injecting sperm into the womb using a plastic catheter through the vagina and cervical canal. In order to get pregnant, it is necessary to have intercourse at the right time, that is, on the day when the expectant mother ovulates. We increase our chance by maturing the egg in a controlled manner and arranging the exact time it will combine with the sperm.
The first thing we need to do for IUI is to make sure that the tubes are not blocked, for this, HSG must be performed before the treatment. Because in insemination, the sperm will have to travel through the tubes to find the egg and fertilize it by itself, which is only possible if the tubes are open.
It is also necessary for the sperm to be fast and mobile. IUI is useless when the sperm count is extremely low. First, we use pills or injections to grow the egg, and we make sure that the egg is mature with every other day follow-up. When it reaches a sufficient size, we make an injection for preparing the egg, which actually ensures the maturation of the egg, and we plan to inseminate 36 hours later. After taking the sperm sample 36 hours later (after 2 days of sexual abstinence), we subject it to a process called washing with special devices. In our clinic, we use a method called ‘Chip Baby’ for cleaning.
Sperm are filtered by a membrane called a chip and separated by filtration. Sperm of better quality, more motility, and genetically smoother and healthier sperms separate and pass to the surface of the membrane. We collect these separated sperms and send them into the uterus with the help of a very thin catheter.
After passing through the uterus and the tubes, sperm catch and fertilize the egg that we prepared before, and pregnancy occurs by implantation, that is, by clinging to the walls of the uterus. We wish you healthy pregnancies.